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City-Trafik A/S/

DAB 12-1200B #2054

luty 1992 - City Trafik 2054 (at that time 54) was one of a bigger series of vehicles purchased by City Trafik A/S, which was succesful in a public procurement in 1992. The former public routes 9 and 34 of Hovedstadsområdets Trafikselskab (Copenhagen) was to be operated by the privately owned City Trafik A/S. The photo was taken in February 1992 at the garage at Islands Brygge in Copenhagen.
Autor: HKN
Komentarze: 2

DAB 12-1200B #2056

9 czerwca 2004 - Kopenhaga, Friheden st. Tego dnia w ruchu były ostatnie 4 egzemplarze tej serii. I to tylko rezerwowo, gdyż producent spóźniał się z dostawą nowych autobusów dla przewoźnika.
Autor: straszny
Komentarze: 3

DAB 12-1200B #2057

9 czerwca 2004 - Kopenhaga, Tårnvej. Takich autobusów już w Kopenhadze się nie spotka. Ale dla chcącego nic trudnego. Special Thanks to Kim! :-)
Autor: straszny

DAB 12-1200B #2058

9 czerwca 2004 - Kopenhaga, Arnold Nielsens Boulevard / Hvidovrevej. Linia 200S to przyspieszona linia kursująca po najbliższym centrum zachodnim obwodzie miasta. Po dalszych obwodach jeżdżą jeszcze 300S, 400S, 500S i 600S.
Autor: straszny
Komentarze: 1

DAB 12-1200B #2065

maj 1992 - City Trafik A/S 2065 (MB 92 565) in operation on route 34 at Vesterport in Copenhagen in May 1992.
Autor: HKN

DAB 12-1200B #50

luty 1992 - City Trafik no. 2050 (at that time with its first number 50) in rush hour service on route 9 at Nordhavn in Copenhagen in February 1992.
Autor: HKN

DAB 12-1200B #62

luty 1992 - København, City Trafik depot at Islands Brygge, February 1992. The vehicles nos. 61-67 were purchased by City Trafik A/S in 1990, when the Company began its operation of urban bus routes for Hovedstadsområdets Trafikselskab (HT).
Autor: HKN

DAB 12-1200B #63

luty 1992 - City Trafik A/S (MB 92 563) in service on route 34 at the Central Station in Copenhagen in February 1992.
Autor: HKN
Komentarze: 1

DAB 12-1200B #64

lipiec 1991 - København, July 1991. City Trafik A/S took over the operation of route 34 of the HT in 1991. Vehicle no. 64 is among the first 7 vehicles of this type, which were purchased by City Trafik A/S in 1990 when the Company began its operation for the HT.
Autor: HKN

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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