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Halberstädter Verkehrs GmbH/

ME GT4ZR #113

30 lipca 2004 - Halberstadt, Germany - betriebshof/zajedznia Friedhof: The small depot is at the far end of Line 1, where the tramway is prevented by railway tracks from going any further. Several spare trams were to be found here when I visited, including this pair of ex-Freiburg GT4ZR cars. Only a handful of working trams is needed for normal services across the whole Halberstadt network, one of the lines only being operated on certain days. Nowadays, Leoliners built in Leipzig have taken over from the pretty little GT4s.
Autor: dvigar
7 maja 2003 - Halberstadt in Bahnhofstrasse in front of the railway station.
Autor: Michael Taylor

ME GT4ZR #164

31 marca 2015 - Halberstadt, Betriebshof Gröperstraße
Autor: wonneberger1.1

ME GT4ZR #167

28 lutego 2004 - Halberstadt, Gröperstr. Pocztówka z najgłębszej niemieckiej prowincji, gdzie jeszcze niedawno najnowszy wagon miał 40 lat. Tutaj się czas zatrzymał w miejscu.
Autor: straszny
30 lipca 2004 - Halberstadt, Germany - Friedhof: At the terminus of Line 1 outside the depot, we see #167, a GT4 tram which originated in Frieburg, but also had a spell with the Nordhausen tramways before finishing its days here in Halberstadt. These little articulated trams seemed perfect for this attractive city with its narrow streets and historic architecture.
Autor: dvigar
31 sierpnia 2021 - Halberstadt, Hoher Weg
Autor: ÖPNV Erzgebirge

ME GT4ZR #168

16 lutego 2009 - Halberstadt - Bahnhof
Autor: HaMa Schmid

16 października 2020 - Halberstadt, Bahnhofsplatz
Autor: wonneberger1.1

Komentarze: 1

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