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Kisalföld Volán Zrt./

Rába Premier 291 #GNW-108

14 listopada 2013 - Byőr, Bus Station. One of the two articulated Rába buses of Kisalföld Volán, which are now working on suburban lines.
Autor: AaronPeto

Rába Premier 291 #GTB-583

7 maja 2013 - Győr, Csemete utca.
Autor: AaronPeto
Komentarze: 4

Rába Premier 291 #HXU-122

7 maja 2013 - Győr, Kalapács utca. Because of road construction the lines 11 and 11B are making a detour at the Kisbácsa district for about two months. The traffic now goes on two narrow roads like this.
Autor: AaronPeto

Rába Premier 291 #ISF-351

25 września 2013 - Győr, Bus Station. Since the beginning of September, two Rába Premier 291s are working on suburban lines around Győr.
Autor: AaronPeto
Komentarze: 3

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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