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Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles / Maatschappij voor het Intercommunaal Vervoer te Brussels/

TB Standard #1064

1 maja 2014 - Bruksela - Merode. Napisałbym, że był to całkiem udany, weekendowy wypad, ale nie mam porównania. Pierwszego dnia nawinął się w każdym razie taki historyczny skład.
Autor: Cyklisten

TB Standard #1259

26 maja 2022 - Bruksela, Tervuren Station. Istnieje kilka zachowanych egzemplarzy tego typu, ten konkretny został przywrócony do stanu z początku eksploatacji. Doczepa numer 29 pochodzi z roku 1910 i ponoć nosi przezwisko "stojak na tosty".
Autor: Cyklisten

TB Standard #1376

1 maja 2014 - Bruxelles/Brussel, Avenue Paul Dejaer: Tram 1376 again, seen near Barriere. These Standard trams are quite well represented in the STIB Museum, there being three examples - #1376 has been left in as-withdrawn condition. Apart from these museum cars, one or two more Standard trams survive as works cars of various types.
Autor: dvigar

TB Standard #5368

7 lutego 2011 - Bruksela, Rue de l'Association. Takie ciekawostki można znaleźć na pierwszym piętrze tutejszego muzeum zabawek :)
Autor: Witja

TB Standard #55

7 października 2012 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – de Villalobar. A busy moment during the parade, as another 1930s Standard conversion runs among normal service trams on the long forest line to Tervuren. This line seems to have limitless power supplies and can support countless trams, all moving at once! The overhead wire is also rather special, being suitable for pantographs, trolley poles or bow collectors without restriction, so older trams from the Museum get regular outings.
Autor: dvigar

TB Standard #59

7 października 2012 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – Brusselsesteenweg. Standards #55 and #59 pass one another on the way to Tervuren. Normal passenger trams had to take a back seat during the celebration parade.
Autor: dvigar

TB Standard #7

7 października 2012 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – de Villalobar. The amazing Transport Museum at Wolowe depot can always be relied on to put on a good show when operations shut down for the winter. This year, one special event was a very interesting parade of works cars, both from the Museum and from those still used by the tramway operator (STIB), including some which had not run for some years. Here is tram #7, converted from a 1930s Brussels Standard tram in 1970 and still used by STIB as a tow car.
Autor: dvigar

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